pondělí 23. března 2009

Asperger Causes - Is Asperger Syndrome Genetic?

Most experts will say that asperger causes a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Asperger runs in families. Siblings of this people are more likely to be diagnosed with asperger syndrome, and twins are extremely likely to share asperger syndrome.

This means there is almost certainly a genetic component to autism / asperger.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that a single gene is reponsible, or that genetics is the only risk factor for mild autism.

In fact, most researchers believe that a combination of several genetic differences, PLUS some form of environmental "insult," may lead to autism/ asperger syndrome.

Read More:


Aspergers Temper Tantruns
Aspergers Diet
Aspergers Syndrom Cause
Asperger Syndrome Details
Aspergers Symptoms

Asperger syndrome Details - Questions to Ask about Your Child's Behavior

Do you want to understand Asperger syndrome behavior in Detail? To help you determine the reasons why your child acts the way he does, you should ask yourself the following questions:

1. Does he see only two choices to a situation rather than many options? (Black-and-white thinking.)

2. Because a situation was one way the first time, does he feel it has to be that way always? (Being rule bound.)

3. Is he misunderstanding what is happening and assuming something that isn't true? (Misinterpretation.)

4. Is he blaming you for something that is beyond your control? (He feels that you must solve the problem for him even when it involves issues you have no control over.)

5. Is he expecting perfection in himself? (Black-and-white thinking.)

6. Is he exaggerating the importance of an event? There are no small events, everything that goes wrong is a catastrophe. (Black-and-white thinking.)

7. Does he need to be taught a better way to deal with a problem? (He does not understand the way the world works.)

8. Has he made a rule that can't be followed? (He sees only one way to solve a problem. He cannot see alternatives.)

9. Is he stuck on an idea and can't let it go? (He does not know how to let go and move on when there is a problem.)

More Info Here:


Aspergers Temper Tantruns
Aspergers Diet
Aspergers Syndrom Cause
Asperger Syndrome Details
Aspergers Symptoms

Aspergers and gluten

Is there any positive connection between aspergers and gluten free diet? It is know that the proteins found in wheat, rye, oats, barley and dairy products (gluten and casein) aren't completely broken down in children with Aspergers syndrome.

These undigested proteins can leak into the bloodstream, potentially interfering with neurological processes by having an opiate-like effect upon their systems.

Aspergers and gluten free diet - Positive effects

- improved sleep patterns, improved speech and communication improved focus or attention span, improved social skills, improved personal hygiene habits, improved fine motor skills, improved intestinal function, increase in affection shown, reduction of tantrums and irritability.

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Aspergers Temper Tantruns
Aspergers Diet
Aspergers Syndrom Cause
Asperger Syndrome Details
Aspergers Symptoms

Effect of fish oil on aspergers

Research has shown a positive Effect of fish oil on aspergers - language development and learning skills. Fish oil is also known as omega 3 and together with omega 6 are the most essential fats people need in order to function normally. Fish oil provides essential fatty acids (EFAs), which are critical for brain health.

Children with attention deficit, autistic and related disorders have been shown to have significantly lower levels of EFAs in their red blood cells.

Parents can start their children on this food supplement, known as Omega 3 fish oil and are likely to see major results in concentration, less anger tantrums and mood swings.

Read more about Asperger's Diet Here: Asperger's Diet Site


Aspergers Temper Tantruns
Aspergers Diet
Aspergers Syndrom Cause
Asperger Syndrome Details
Aspergers Symptoms

neděle 22. března 2009

Anxiety treatment aspergers

Anxiety is quite common in people with asperger syndrome.

I am also person with asperger syndrome as well as anxiety. Therefore I know how you feel. I know that there is no cure for asperger syndrome however your anxiety is treatable.

I have found natural Anxiety Treatment for Aspergers. From my own experience it really works, without medication and last but not least it is risk free – money back guarantee. More about this Anxiety Treatment Aspergers HERE: linka na panic away!!!

Does Psychotherapy Help Aspergers?

People with Asperger Syndrome understand and respond to the world in a very different way from people without this condition. Does Psychotherapy Help Aspergers?

The challenge for psychotherapists working with Asperger clients lies in setting aside their own preconceptions and learning to understand their client's perspective.

Behavior that, in a "neurotypical" client, may be evidence of a problem, in an Asperger client may simply be a manifestation of Asperger ways of approaching the world.

READ ABOUT Asperger Syndrome and Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Aspergers and Sexual Activities

Aspergers teenagers have a difficult time understanding sexual feelings and appropriate actions regarding sexual activities.

How to deal with aspergers and his inappropriate sexual activities:
- Address the issue, rather than avoid it.
- Set up a time with your child to talk about sexuality, rather than making a few comments about it when the issue is hot
- Ask direct questions about what your child knows about sex. Ask about his desires and worries.
- Tell him what you think.

Set realistic but firm limits about inappropriate behavior after inquiring and talking about the normal behavior.

Seeing your level of comfort around the issue, your child will get the message that it is OK to have sexual feelings and it is OK to talk about them. Getting this message alone will bring the tension around sexuality a few notches down. If this approach fails, please do not be shy about asking for help (other parents with aspergers teenagers, school, professionals).

I can also recommend you to READ Parenting Aspergers Mini-Course. This free e-course was designed by Dave Angel (social worker with over 11 years real life experience in the field working with families just like yours and a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies) and his team of experts (UK Chartered Educational Psychologist, medical doctors) and last but not least parents of childen with asperger syndrome)

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Behavioral Strategies for Children with Aspergers

Do you feel tired and frustrated? Wandering where to find some usefull Behavioral Strategies for Children with Aspergers?

Being a parent to a child with Aspergers Syndrome can be tough. However do not give up. There is help. Best way it to start here: FREE Parenting Asperger Mini-Course created by Dave Angel.

He is a social worker with over 11 years real life experience in the field working with families just like yours and a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies.

He co-operates with many different experts such as Social Workers, Parents, Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Autism Specialists and Special Needs Teachers.

CLICK HERE and LEARN these Behavioral Strategies for Children with Aspergers

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

How to Cope with Asperger - Practical Help for Parenting Your Aspergers Child

If you’d like to understand how to cope with Asperger then I can recommend you to read this Parenting Mini-Course.

It is free and you can get very helpful information about how to cope with Asperger.

It is full of really practical and easy-to-use information to help parents with their Aspergers child and also the rest of the family. I am also mom of 4 year old aspergers boy and I know that parenting aspergers child is often tired, frustrated overhelmed. I use this source to help me and cope with difficulties linked with asperger syndrome.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

pátek 20. března 2009

Aspergers and Sexual Behavior – Tips how to cope with aspergers inappropriate behavior

1. Address the problem, rather than avoid it.
2. Set up a time with your aspergers teenager to talk about sexuality, rather than making a few comments about it when the problem is hot.
3. Ask direct questions about what your aspergers teenager knows about sex
4. Ask about his desires and worries
5. Tell him what you think should be his first step.

After inquiring and talking about the normal behavior, set realistic but firm limits about inappropriate behavior.

Seeing your level of comfort around the issue, your child will get the message that it is OK to have sexual feelings and it is OK to talk about them. Getting this message alone will bring the tension around sexuality a few notches down.

If this approach fails, please do not be shy about asking for help:
1. Other parents with aspergers adolescent.
2. Professional help

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Aspergers and Using Deodorants

Using deodorant or anti-perspirant sprays is another area of discomfort for children with Aspergers Syndrome.

The shock of the cold spray on their warm armpit coupled with the quite high-powered aerosol delivery causes genuine alarm and discomfort. Most deodorants are strongly scented, which also bombards a sensory sensitive Asperger child.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Aspergers problems with haircuts

Dislike or distress at brushing their hair or having a haircut seems to be a common obstacle with Aspergers children.

AS children usually have very sensitive scalps and skulls (our son would become hysterical when he bumped his head, and would tell me he could feel his brain ‘rattle' or move).

We were never able to go to a Salon to have his hair cut, and I had to add Hairdresser to my list of talents! He would refer to the process as a “Hairs Cut”, because he could feel each of his hairs being cut.

He recently explained that the change in the weight of the hair produced by the haircut was what caused him so much distress, as well as feeling exposed and vulnerable by losing the ‘protective' barrier his hair created between him and the world.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Asperger Syndrome Bahavior and Problems with Cleaning Teeth

Cleaning teeth may also present challenges for children with Aspergers Syndrome.

Problems in this area of grooming can be for a variety of reasons, from not liking the taste of toothpaste or experiencing burning or stinging from it, to having sensitive teeth and gums (their gums may become tender, bruised or actually bleed from brushing).

I recommend trying a variety of toothpaste flavours and also using an electric toothbrush. Be sure to model the correct procedure for brushing teeth to your Asperger child.

Our son brushes his teeth much the same way he brushes his hair (the word ‘brush' is the same, so the procedure must be the same!).

Your AS child may never brush his/her teeth for the recommended 2-3 minutes each time, however it's important to focus on establishing the twice a day routine.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Asperger Syndrome Cause – Can it be caused by emotional trauma?

Asperger's Syndrome is not caused by emotional trauma, neglect or failing to love your child.

The research studies have clearly shown that AS is a developmental disorder due to a dysfunction of specific structures and systems of the brain.

These structures may not have fully developed due to chromosomal abnormalities or may have been damaged during pregnancy, birth or the first few months of life.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Asperger Syndrome Cause – Could Asperger's Syndrome be inherited?

If you are interested about asperger syndrome cause you might want to know whether it is inherited or not.

Some research shows that there are similar features in first or second degree relatives on either side of the family, or the family history includes "eccentric" individuals who have a mild expression of the syndrome.

There are also some families with a history of children with AS and classic Autism. Should a relative have had similar characteristics when younger, they have a unique advantage in helping the child - they know what they are going through.

There is no formal identification of the precise means of transmission if the asperger syndrome cause is genetic, but we do have some suggestions as to which chromosomes may be involved.

As our knowledge of genetics improves, we may soon be able to predict the recurrence rate for individual families.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Aspergers Treatment - How to help aspergers children reach their maximum potential

Is there any effective aspergers treatment?

First of all you should know that Asperger syndrome is not "curable." Although behaviors may change through the years, the problem will not disappear.

However there are strategies that can improve functioning and help families cope. Early diagnosis, behavior training programs, and careful educational management to help the children reach their maximum potential are well worth the effort.

It should be stressed that some people with Asperger's learn how to cope with their disability and grow up to lead productive lives.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

Asperger Syndrome Cause

What as the real asperger syndrome cause? Family members must truly understand that this is a developmental disorder, not a behavioral one.

Yes there are "weird behaviors" but they result from a problem in the child's brain, not because the child is "bad" or the parenting was "bad."

Parents of any child with a disability which affects every aspect of the child's life and will not go away need two things: KNOWLEDGE and SUPPORT.

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

čtvrtek 19. března 2009

Common Signs of Asperger Syndrome Behaviour

The most common signs of Asperger Syndrome Behaviour are:
1. Lack of empathy
2. Naive inappropriate, one-sided interaction
3. Little or no ability to form friendships
4. Pedantic, repetitive speech
5. Poor non-verbal communication
6. Intense absorption in certain subjects
7. Clumsy and ill- coordinated movements and odd postures
8. Socially and emotionally inappropriate behaviour

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior