neděle 22. března 2009

Aspergers and Sexual Activities

Aspergers teenagers have a difficult time understanding sexual feelings and appropriate actions regarding sexual activities.

How to deal with aspergers and his inappropriate sexual activities:
- Address the issue, rather than avoid it.
- Set up a time with your child to talk about sexuality, rather than making a few comments about it when the issue is hot
- Ask direct questions about what your child knows about sex. Ask about his desires and worries.
- Tell him what you think.

Set realistic but firm limits about inappropriate behavior after inquiring and talking about the normal behavior.

Seeing your level of comfort around the issue, your child will get the message that it is OK to have sexual feelings and it is OK to talk about them. Getting this message alone will bring the tension around sexuality a few notches down. If this approach fails, please do not be shy about asking for help (other parents with aspergers teenagers, school, professionals).

I can also recommend you to READ Parenting Aspergers Mini-Course. This free e-course was designed by Dave Angel (social worker with over 11 years real life experience in the field working with families just like yours and a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies) and his team of experts (UK Chartered Educational Psychologist, medical doctors) and last but not least parents of childen with asperger syndrome)

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

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