pátek 20. března 2009

Aspergers and Sexual Behavior – Tips how to cope with aspergers inappropriate behavior

1. Address the problem, rather than avoid it.
2. Set up a time with your aspergers teenager to talk about sexuality, rather than making a few comments about it when the problem is hot.
3. Ask direct questions about what your aspergers teenager knows about sex
4. Ask about his desires and worries
5. Tell him what you think should be his first step.

After inquiring and talking about the normal behavior, set realistic but firm limits about inappropriate behavior.

Seeing your level of comfort around the issue, your child will get the message that it is OK to have sexual feelings and it is OK to talk about them. Getting this message alone will bring the tension around sexuality a few notches down.

If this approach fails, please do not be shy about asking for help:
1. Other parents with aspergers adolescent.
2. Professional help

Read more about effective methods which can have a really positive effect on your aspergers child:

Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Asperger Syndrome Behaviour
Asperger Syndrome Behavior - Sexual Behavior

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