pondělí 23. března 2009

Effect of fish oil on aspergers

Research has shown a positive Effect of fish oil on aspergers - language development and learning skills. Fish oil is also known as omega 3 and together with omega 6 are the most essential fats people need in order to function normally. Fish oil provides essential fatty acids (EFAs), which are critical for brain health.

Children with attention deficit, autistic and related disorders have been shown to have significantly lower levels of EFAs in their red blood cells.

Parents can start their children on this food supplement, known as Omega 3 fish oil and are likely to see major results in concentration, less anger tantrums and mood swings.

Read more about Asperger's Diet Here: Asperger's Diet Site


Aspergers Temper Tantruns
Aspergers Diet
Aspergers Syndrom Cause
Asperger Syndrome Details
Aspergers Symptoms

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