úterý 19. května 2009

Asperger's Syndrome - How am I able to Help My Child Understand Subtle Speech Patterns Like Sarcasm?

The Asperger's patient body language - eye to eye gawk, body posture, facial expressions - is constricted and synthetic, similar to the narcissist's. Nonverbal cues are almost absent and their interpretation in others lacking. The Asperger's patient regularly wants to be accepted socially, to have chums, to wed, to be sexually active, and to sire offspring. He just does not have any idea the way to go about it. To circumvent the discomfort of refusal, they confine themselves to solitary activities - but, in contrast to the schizoid, not through choice. You can't catch Aspergers, nor are you able to cure it. A major reason for an Aspies problems with social working is the absence of understanding of subtle social cues and patterns of speech, for example sarcasm. What you regularly get is a talented student that does not understand how to deal with folk. New studies that have been released during the last year have started to explain what's not working in the correct way.

, if they see somebody making a movement with their face and they do not know what it suggests, they don't seem to be going to copy the plausibly worthless gesture at the right time, if at all. After a bit they would stop concentrating to the movement at all. The words are the same but the voice changes. This would be considered a delicate cue and these are typically missed.

Analogies are not accepted unless the connection is accepted. He uses language as an instrument to get Vain Supply or as a weapon to obliterate his "enemies" and dropped sources with. He is improbable to obey conversational rules and etiquette ( for example, to let others talk in turn ). Neither is the Asperger's patient in a position to decode nonverbal cues and gestures or to watch his very own misbehavior on such occasions.

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