Are you having problems with the Asperger Syndrome Behavior of your son or daughter? Do you want to help them to understand this diagnosis? What you, parent should to know about your aspergers child?
I would like to share with you this very interesting and helpful article describing the asperger syndrome behavior. This article was posted by Dave Angel the author of e-book named Parenting Aspergers and the founder of The Parenting Aspergers Community.
How you can help your child to come to terms with his diagnosis and help him understand that it is not the end of the world?
Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of autism; those who have it experience various symptoms, exhibiting a range of behaviors. People with Aspergers have a different way of thinking, concentrating on special interests. Many people with Aspergers can speak eloquently and have extraordinary abilities in engineering, computer science, and systematic thinking, yet have serious difficulties with social interaction and functioning in the world. However, Asperger’s is not the end of world; it is treatable. It is very normal for your son (and you) to react with sadness, self pity, anger, or depression when you receive the diagnosis. You are mourning the life you thought you were going to have. But that does not mean that you won’t have a good life; it will just be different.
If your son is willing, discuss with him his diagnosis and your plans to help him. Reassure him that he will do fine. If he cannot get over his sadness and anger, get him into counselling. Once properly diagnosed, reassured, and treated, he will feel much happier and more optimistic.
Start now to educate yourself and your son. There are tons of books available for adults, children, and teens that explain Asperger’s and provide information and help. Read a book and discuss it together. Then, get online and start researching Asperger’s symptoms and treatments. There is a wealth of information on this site!
Become involved in the forum on this site. Also find a support group in your area. Other parents will provide moral support and comfort. Your son may enjoy talking with other children with Aspergers online. Be sure to monitor the sites he visits to make sure they are appropriate for him.
I want your son to know that having Asperger’s is not the end of the world. It creates difficulties in the social sphere, yes. But special interests can lead to career skills, and, in some cases, to career success. Good social skills can be learned over time. With reinforcement and guidance from loving people; progress is possible. With knowledge and support from parents, teachers, mentors, medical professionals, and peers, the inner strengths of these special people shine, adding uniqueness to our world.
Dave Angel
FREE Parenting Aspergers Mini-Course
About author:
Dave Angel is a social worker with over 11 years real life experience in the field working with families just like yours and a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies.
Over the past eleven years he has worked with hundreds of families who have had children with special needs (both young and old) and have a special interest in Aspergers.
He is the author of the “Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide” E-book which is a guide for parents of children with Asperger's Syndrome that he wrote recently
He has had 39,668 parents and family members of Aspergers children visit this website for help.
Recommended reading:
Asperger Syndrome behavior - Practical Help
Aspergers Treatment
Aspergers Syndrome Cause
Aspergers Temper Tantruns
Aspergers Diet
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